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TOP500 见证全球超级计算机十五年


    首先我要感谢我的同事Erich Strohmaier,他提供了很多支持、建议和灵感,在为TOP500项目及这篇报告准备数据方面做了很多努力。我还要感谢我的另外两个同事,TOP500的作者Jack Dongarra和 Horst Simon,他们在过去15年来针对TOP500所做的许多有趣的探讨,对这篇报告的完成非常有帮助。我还要感谢德国Kaiserslautern大学的Reiner Hartenstein,正是他邀请我在2007年6月7日在土耳其安塔利亚举行的IDPT(集成设计与过程技术,Integrated Design & Process Technology)全球大会上讨论这个话题。他还建议我使用贝尔定律来探讨TOP500计算机架构的发展趋势。另外要感谢曼海姆大学的Hans Günther Kruse,他审阅了这篇报告的原稿,并提出了修改意见。最后,我要感谢Heike Walther和 Prometeus GmbH,他们翻译了这篇报告的大部分,还有LBNL的 Jon Bashor对报告做了最终的润色。


[1] H. W. Meuer, The Mannheim Supercomputer Statistics 1986–1992, TOP500 Report 1993, University ofMannheim, 1994, p. 1–15
[2] See: http://www.top500.org/project/linpack
[3] E. Strohmaier, J. J. Dongarra, H. W. Meuer, H. D. Simon, The Marketplace of High-Performance Computing,Parallel Computing 25, 1999, p. 1517–1544
[4] See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Deep_Blue
[5] See: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/tech/0,1518,452735,00.html
[6] See: http://www.sandia.gov/ASCI/Red/
[7] See: http://www.top500.org/
[8] See: http://research.microsoft.com/~GBell/Pubs.htm
[9] World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology (IDPT), Antalya/Turkey, June 3–8, 2007 http://www.fpl.uni-kl.de/IDPT/IDPT2007-final.pdf
[10] See: http://www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/SLIDES/isc-talk-2006.pdf
[11] See: http://www.green500.org/


    Hans Meuer,教授、博士,是Prometeus GmbH公司的董事总经理,德累斯顿ISC'07的大会主席。他也是德国曼海姆大学(University of Mannheim)数学与计算科学系计算机科学专业的教授。在1986年,他成为首届曼海姆超级计算机大会(Mannheim Supercomputer Conference)的联合创办者和组织者,该会议至今每年仍在举办。1993年,Hans Meuer和Erich Strohmaier、Jack Dongarra一起创办了TOP500排行榜。Hans Meuer在德国RWTH Aachen大学获得数学博士学位。他从事数据处理和计算机科学领域长达45年以上。1962-1973年,他在德国Jülich研究中心先后担任工程师、项目主管、部门经理等职务。此后26年间,他一直担任曼海姆大学计算机中心的主任。从1998年起,他开始担任Prometeus GmbH公司的董事总经理,Prometeus GmbH是一家专注于高性能计算领域的服务公司。

    Prof. Dr. Hans Meuer is the Managing Director of Prometeus GmbH, and the General Chairman of ISC’07 in Dresden. He is professor of computer science at the University of Mannheim, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. In 1986, he became co-founder and organizer of the first Mannheim Supercomputer Conference, which has been held annually ever since. In 1993, Hans Meuer started the TOP500 initiative together with Erich Strohmaier and Jack Dongarra. Hans Meuer received his doctorate in mathematics from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He has been involved in data processing and computer science for more than 45 years. He served as specialist, project leader, group and department chief during his 11 years at the Research Center in Jülich, Germany, from 1962–1973. For the following 26 years, he was Director of the Computer Center at the University of Mannheim, Germany. Since 1998, he has been Managing Director of Prometeus GmbH, the service company specialized in the field of High Performance Computing.
