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威联通NAS产品参加Intel 2010 IDF展会

    【IT168 资讯】 2010年4月14号,Intel 2010 IDF展会圆满结束,在此次展会上,威联通(QNAP)展出了采用新一代Intel Atom双核心D510 1.66GHz处理器的所有NAS产品,此次威联通也是唯一一家能够跟着INTEL新CPU上市,于全球同步发表全系列采用D510新双核产品线的厂家。采用Intel最新处理器的产品,不但拥有强大的功能,而且所有服务器功能都兼顾高效能与超低功耗,符合绿色节能,节省无形用电成本的目标。

    威联通Intel D510双核心全系列产品都已通过VMware® vSphere (ESX 4.0或以上的版本)的兼容性验证,可作为VMware vSphere虚拟环境与Windows 容错丛集服务器中两种环境中网络共享储存服务器的角色。自从上市到现在短短几个月的时间,不但在全世界各大专业媒体评测中性能卓越,而且也深受广大用户的好评。还有就是我们的新产品在国内外获得了无数的奖项,下面我们来看一下威联通新产品近期所获得的一些具有代表性的奖项:

编辑推荐-Overclockersonline-(加拿大)               2010-3-1

    TS-259 Pro Turbo NAS  

    On top of the high performance hardware, you get the software suite included by QNAP. With all the basic file serving needs under its belt, QNAP has also expanded its capability in providing iSCSI, Virtual Disk Drive, Cloud Storage backup and most recently VMWare ready. Regardless, for those who want the best then the TS-259 Pro is the way to go. 

    iThome(Taiwan)                                          2010-3-1

    iThome计算机报:全新双核心硬件平台提供更佳效能 - 威联通 TS-459 Pro

    除基本的檔案共享存取服務外, 系統韌體還可透過iSCSI Target 提供區塊 (block) 存取服務, 並兼具 FTP.網頁服務,列印,視訊監控, iTUNE伺服器等多種運用...也有許多對企業用戶十分實用的進階應用如可利用系統韌體內建的7種容/錯頻寬聚合模式等..

    顶极商品 - WhichNAS.com (美国)                                2010-4-1

      TS-659 Pro Turbo NAS 

    The QNAP TS-659 Pro, one of the most successful products for QNAP in the coming months and years , is a solid unit that has enough features to not meet but most probably exceed many business and home users for their data storage needs. With the flexibility of the RAID options, whopping storage, backup solutions and top of the performance, the TS-659 Pro is a worthy recipient of our prestigious Excellence Award. 

    ITPro (UK)                                                    2010-3-9 

    QNAP TS-859 Pro 荣获英国 ITPro 6/7 高评价

    QNAP's new NAS appliance has Intel's latest dual-core Atom processor at its heart. This eight-bay desktop box is packed with features and in this review we see whether it delivers in the speed stakes as well. The TS-859 Pro also offers plenty of valuable storage features including good IP SAN support. If you want an eight-bay business-class desktop NAS appliance you need look no further.

    IT168 (China)                                                  2010-3-25   

    IT168 - 双核Atom首发 QNAP TS-CN459 Pro评测

    新一代旗舰采用了最新Intel® Atom™ D-510处理器,具备两个物理核心,并搭载超线程技术,最多提供了4个硬件线程。D510处理器的频率还达到了1.66GHz,并且搭配了1GB的 DDR2内存,TS-459 Pro的性能是目前同规格NAS当中的最强者。在性能之外,TS-459 Pro还通过强大的CPU实现了多个与众不同的功能,如加强了对iSCSI的支持(虚拟磁盘:通过8个外部NAS扩展容量),并通过了VMware® vSphere (ESX 4.0或以上的版本)的兼容性验证,在商用级存储应用上具有着突出的优势。总的来说,和上一代相比,新一代5系列的TS-459 Pro NAS功能和性能都有了很好的进展,值得选用。



